2010年4月17日 星期六

朱唇羽觴幾回 遊戲人間

佳餚雅樂 絲綢成堆

狂妄無畏 牡丹般絕

詩吟破天 萬里不盡

紫衣披肩 刀盲不前

千古英雄豪傑 不過青史一頁

墨滿成池盡黑 不過暈染一月

紅塵茫茫 目始淚

人生無常 化一縷煙

烏日風夜 刃光成月

硃砂凝脂 凍骨為街

荒漠留連 遙望樹火相對

卜易求變 刻骨即成千

劍身映雪 紅顏憔悴

語塞哽咽 妝橫滿面

孤影隻燕 獨行客南界

北風逆吹 沙捲天

朱門邊 繁華何止從前

禁軍廢 不知命何謂

無名之從 害何從解

索命隨即 不見

殺 為言



2010年4月3日 星期六

David LaChapelle in Taipei

  It was last winter that I first saw what Pop art really is. I went to the CKS Memorial Hall to see the Andy Warhol Worldwide Exhibition. With the $200 student ticket on my hand, I felt upset about how empty the wall was. It was really too expensive comparing with other shows. However, I realized the soul in every works of Mr.Warhol while walking twice in front of a painting. There were several blocks of colors showing the front and the back, and clothes for its theme. That made me astonished by how great the master of Pop art is. I’ve changed my mind and started to have a new way looking through any kinds of art works.

  With the coming of Andy Warhol’s assistant’s, David LaChapelle, show in MOCA, I’ll definitely go for a look. Before my journey to LaChapelle’s fascinating world, I have browsing his website and reading the articles about him on Vogue. It is just like a culture shock but leading the viewer to think what the photographer wants to tell us. Without a doubt, LaChapelle’s exhibition will be a feast of eyes. I’m very looking forward to the day it comes !
